Dove Holes Quarry

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Dove Holes Quarry

Whitcher Wildlife Ltd was commissioned to carry out badger surveys of the site in advance of extensions to the quarry workings.

An initial survey of the site identified three badger setts within the areas affected by the proposed quarry extension, one main/breeding sett and two outlying badger setts. The activity at all of the setts was identified as being high with fresh badger field signs identified between the setts and in the immediate surroundings.

Due to the high levels of badger activity and the land that will be lost to the quarry extension an extended badger survey of the surrounding area was recommended to identify the location of territorial boundaries and to identify a suitable location for an artificial badger sett.

An artificial badger sett was constructed on the site during early October and was monitored to ensure that badgers had found and begun using the sett.

Once the badgers had found the artificial sett a Natural England exclusion licence was obtained for the site. The badger setts were subsequently excluded and the tunnel systems carefully excavated and destroyed under supervision of the licence holder.

Works will commence on soil stripping the area to access the mineral reserves below during early 2018.

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Dove Holes Quarry Dove Holes Quarry Dove Holes Quarry Dove Holes Quarry