Brierlow Quarry

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Brierlow Quarry

Whitcher Wildlife Ltd were commissioned to carry out a badger survey at Brierlow Quarry prior to works being carried out to extend the quarry into new areas. The survey identified several badger setts extending along the soil mound within the area of the proposed quarry extension including a breeding sett.

The location of the badger setts within the proposed quarry extension area means that the setts need to be excluded before any work can commence on the quarry extension. Therefore Whitcher Wildlife Ltd have constructed an artificial badger sett on the site, which is now in use by the badgers and has begun to naturalise. A Natural England licence to exclude the badger setts has also been obtained.

The badger exclusion works on the site have commenced with the badger setts being cleared of vegetation along with a suitable standoff around each sett. One-way exclusion gates have been fitted to all of the sett entrances by Whitcher Wildlife Ltd and the gates are currently being monitored on a regular basis to record the movement of badgers through the exclusion gates.

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Brierlow Quarry Brierlow Quarry Brierlow Quarry