Reptile Surveys

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Reptile Surveys By Whitcher Wildlife

Whitcher Wildlife Ltd has experience in all aspects of reptile surveying, mitigation and translocation.

Surveys for reptiles require an initial site assessment of the habitats on the site to establish whether the site provides suitable areas of habitat for reptiles to bask, take refuge or forage. Our team are experienced in reptile assessments and will make an initial assessment of the site based on the habitats present and its connectivity to the surrounding area.

Where sites are identified as displaying a high potential for reptiles or the proposed works are likely to have a high level of impact more detailed presence/absence surveys can be carried out. These surveys utilise artificial refugia, in the form of felt or corrugated sheets, laid out across the areas of suitable reptile habitat. Once the sheets have been allowed time to settle into the habitat a total of seven checks will be carried out during periods of suitable weather from March to October. During each visit our surveyors will look for reptiles basking on the sheets or taking refuge underneath.

The findings of our reptile surveys will be prepared into a comprehensive report outlining the survey findings, evaluating the impacts of any proposed works and making any recommendations necessary.

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