Ravensdale Farm

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Ravensdale Farm

Whitcher Wildlife Ltd carried out surveys of a disused residential property in Derbyshire as part of a planning application to demolish the house and build a new house on its footprint. The surveys of the house identified the presence of a maternity roost of Brown Long Eared bats in the loft of the building along with small day roosts of Natterers bats and Common Pipistrelles.

We have subsequently worked with the house owner to design mitigation for the bats into a new outbuilding on the site and have obtained a Natural England licence to cover the works.

Work on the mitigation roost within the outbuilding has been completed and the temperature monitoring required under the Natural England licence showed that the roost provides a suitable replacement habitat with temperature and humidity readings in line with the existing roost. A monitoring survey also identified bats emerging from the new roost showing that the bats have found and begun to use the roost.

The exclusion works were completed successfully and the roof carefully stripped under the supervision of the licence holder. During the roof strip one Pipistrelle bat was identified and a further bat was identified flying from the building.

Works have commenced on the new building on the site and monitoring surveys were carried out during 2016 and 2017, in line with the Natural England licence. During the monitoring surveys bats were identified roosting in the replacement roost constructed on the site.

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